My husband is out of town for 2 weeks and it got me thinking about what distance means in marriage. For some, career travel and other physical separations are common or frequent. (We might praise God for Skype and FaceTime!) For others, the distance is at a soul level and there is deep grief. I am personally thankful that physical distance, or any kind of distance for that matter, CAN be an opportunity for couples to learn new ways of connecting. Let’s seek the Lord on this!
JEHOVAH SHAMMAH (Lord My Companion), thank You that Your presence with me is not limited. I am so thankful that you are always accessible to me and my husband/wife, no matter where we are. We have experienced numerous separations as a couple. Sometimes the distance between us is physical and sometimes it is emotional or spiritual separation that affects us at a soul level. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, I ask You to intervene on our behalf against any forces that would come to harm our marriage. Thank you that every separation can be an opportunity for growth, new perspectives, deeper appreciation, increased longings, and a spirit of adventure that is exciting when we yield to Your grace, power and purposes. Please help us to use all the resources available to us, by Your wisdom, to ensure that our marriage is growing, thriving and reflecting You to our children and others. Dwell in our marriage, God, as You dwell in us. AMEN
JEHOVAH SHAMMAH (Lord My Companion), thank You that Your presence with us is not limited — that you are always accessible no matter where we are. I have married friends and family who have experienced numerous separations as couples. Sometimes the distance has been physical and sometimes it has been emotional or spiritual. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, I ask You to intervene on behalf of these couples I name in my heart right now. Come against any forces that would try to harm these marriages. Thank you that every separation can be an opportunity for growth, new perspectives, deeper appreciation, increased longings, and a spirit of adventure that is exciting when yielded to Your grace, power and purposes. Please help my married friends to use all the resources available to them, by Your wisdom, to ensure that their marriages are growing, thriving and reflecting You to their children and others. Dwell in these marriages, God, as You dwell in these people I care deeply about. AMEN