We all say things we wish we could take back sometimes. But words are a powerful thing — for better and for worse. Let’s go to the Lord humbly in this area today.

A prayer for your own marriage—

ALMIGHTY GOD, I am encouraged, challenged, and inspired to live in the Light of Your Word. T

hank you that Your Word gives life. I confess that my own words are often reckless and have created wounds in my marriage. You know that my husband/wife’s words have pierced me as well. We are both guilty of showing disrespect and sometimes outright cruelty. Forgive me for my part in speaking lies or causing deterioration or reaping destruction in my marriage because of my words. Give me a wise tongue that brings healing (Proverbs 12:18). Help me, Lord, to know when to listen more and when to talk more. My spouse wants to know my heart and I need to learn to communicate more effectively. But there are also times when I use too many words or too much emotion. Give me discernment and self-control so that my communication with my husband/wife reflects compassion, genuine respect and encouragement. Please use the power of Your written Word and our own words with each other to create a safe haven in our home and make the communication in my marriage a place of refreshment! AMEN

Something to pray for a friend’s marriage—

ALMIGHTY GOD, I am encouraged, challenged, and inspired to live in the Light of Your Word. T

hank you that Your Word gives life. Words are having a powerful effect in the marriages of those I love, Lord. Sometimes words have been spoken recklessly and created deep wounds. Please show my friends where their lies or unwise words have caused deterioration or destruction. Give them tongues that bring healing (Proverbs 12:18). Help them, Lord, to know when to listen more and when to talk more. Give them the desire to know each other’s hearts and teach them how to communicate more effectively. Guard the quantity of their words and the emotions behind them. Give them discernment and self-control so that their communication reflects compassion, genuine respect and encouragement for each other. Please use the power of Your written Word and their own words with each other to create a safe haven in their home and make the communication in their marriage a place of refreshment! AMEN