A Life Radically Poured Out for Christ

This weekend, we attended the funeral of a man we have treasured since we met him 15 years ago. George was one of those guys with a big presence and powerful influence in the lives of many people. He was passionate about his love for God and often exuberant in His...

I’ve Got My Process, You’ve Got Yours

Reflecting on our sins and weaknesses is a tender endeavor. Each of us is in a process of self discovery that is sometimes painful, sometimes shameful, sometimes consuming, sometimes tempting to ignore or down-play and sometimes overwhelming but always necessary and...

Packing Up for Someplace New (Part 2 of 2)

Raising children has a way of shining gorgeous light on God’s blessings in our lives. Despite our daughter Carly’s severe disabilities, we have often been astounded by the ways God has used our greatest challenge for good purposes. I’m a firm believer in focusing on...

Packing Up for Someplace New (Part 1 of 2)

The Jamieson household seems to be moving in the direction of new things these days. We have just launched our oldest daughter into college; within days, we expect to receive official tax exempt status for our non-profit ministry; we’re also praying a lot about how to...


Today’s scriptures and discussion question are, once again, taken from the Finding Glory in the Thorns: Group Discussion Guide. Please join the discussion. Share your comment below and invite others to join these conversations. The more the merrier! “No one has...

How Are You Indulging Your Freedom?

It’s a happy 4th of July here in Minnesota and our family is at the lake. Just as we’re deeply grateful for the many freedoms we have as citizens of the United States of America, we’re appreciating countless freedoms because of our faith in Christ and we’re even...