This new online community format allows us to come together and share what is going on in our lives so that we might be encouraged by one another, learn from one another and pray for one another. Questions from the 7-week Bible Study curriculum Finding Glory in the...

FINDING GLORY Wednesday — New Community Opportunity

Starting today, we will be posting one scripture and discussion question every Wednesday from the 7-week study resource titled Finding Glory in the Thorns: Group Discussion Guide. People around the world are learning what it means to experience God in adversity and...

Vision Correction Needed

Like many children with neurodevelopmental challenges, our daughter Carly has vision problems. She has some of the more traditional issues like astigmatism, near-sightedness and strabismus. But one of her significant challenges involves immature and inefficient...

Life on the Bumpy Road #1

It always amazes me how full our lives get. We live in a culture frantic to keep up with “The List,” the Joneses, our needs, the kids, the high expectations. After a mission trip to a very laid back culture in 2008, I became even more aware of how my personality and...

Are You Tired of Waiting?

I am a driven and impatient person who has been stretched in recent years to surrender my desires about the timing of things to God’s ever-wise timing. This does not come easily for me. I don’t like it when God seems mysterious or slow to respond — well, except for...

Making Much Out of A Little

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, (Jesus) gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls...