Keynotes | Retreats | Conferences

Our messages can be offered at your church or location of your choice. Each is designed to cast vision, inspire, train and deepen your members or conference attendees in life and faith.

NOTE: Keynote messages can be adapted for an interactive workshop experience.

Sample Keynote/Sermon Topics

BELONGING: Disability & Church Transformation

Navigating Decisions On Life, Disability & Aging

UNSHAKEN in the Unexpected:
Roadmap for Life’s Detours


Being part of a special needs family teaches us, challenges us and raises many questions. Our workshops can help you pause, reflect, explore and grow. Walk Right In Ministries workshops can be offered live at a conference, retreat, church or location of your choice (e.g., in a home with a small group). They can also be held virtually through online services like Skype, FaceTime or Zoom video conference.

Sample Workshops

BUILDING FAMILY CONNECTEDNESS: Special Strengths Amidst Special Challenges

The Importance of Special Dads

Parenting Special Siblings

THE ENERGIZED CAREGIVER: Tapping Your Unique Strengths

Becoming a Caregiving Prayer Warrior

Caregiver Habits for Robust Support