A Haven of Wellness for Family Caregivers

Empowering and Equipping Families Impacted by Disability Since 2008
Learn More

We help caregivers in families impacted by disability to walk abundantly in life, faith and relationships. 

We offer online counseling for individuals, marriages, and families as well as faith-based caregiver support groups. Our biblical teaching and discipleship training is specifically and uniquely aimed in support of caregivers and provided by therapists and mentors who are themselves experienced caregivers. Our team also collaborates in a network of organizations dedicated to strengthening churches and communities as places of belonging for caregivers and their families living with disability. We want to walk with you in peace, purpose, strong relationships, and resilience — one step of faith at a time.

Our Work

Caring for the unique emotional and spiritual needs of your souls

God puts His imprint on every caregiver and family impacted by disability. You are equipped with unique strengths to love and care for your family well. Let us encourage you and help you build strategies that fit YOU — cherishing YOUR family, YOUR circumstances, and YOUR unique temperament design.

Featured Event

5th Annual Reach Party


Support Our Cause

Help special needs families by donating today! All donations go directly to helping families thrive in faith and relationships. Families touched by disability are almost always stretched financially. No fee is ever charged for an initial consultation. To keep all of our resources as accessible as possible, Walk Right In Ministries has a sliding fee scale and Pay-As-You’re-Able policy for all services. No family is ever turned away.

The WRIM Model

“Here is a reliable resource if you are in need of some support and care for yourself. I’ve received encouragement and counsel. No need to go on this journey alone.”

— Heather, Texas

“I’m learning how to interact at work and then come home to put on the nursing hat. Realizing who I am has strengthened our marriage. I don’t know that we’ve ever been this good. And that’s saying a lot because special needs parenting is hard.”

Anthony, Minnesota

“Walk Right In Ministries does an amazing job coming alongside caregivers of those with special needs. They provide awesome training that every parent should go through.”

— Stephen “Doc” Hunsley, SOAR Special Needs

“Walk Right In Ministries has changed my life. Changed my faith journey with Jesus. Changed my perspective. Changed my relationship with Maggie. I have become more aware of what’s going on with me and how to relate to Maggie.”

— Nicole, Minnesota

“Counseling one-on-one and the group discussions with the Real Talk Connect ladies are teaching me how to be kind to myself. I’m relearning how to be part of a community again.”

— Charlotte, Minnesota

“They counsel and serve from the heart. They know the hurts and heartaches in a world of needs.”

— Roger Kuhn, International Ministerial Fellowship

“Sometimes we need more than venting or posting on social media. We’re building something important in this special needs journey and need help to finish the job well. Walk Right In Ministries is a wonderful and unique resource!”

— Kelly, Wyoming