ISAIAH 43:19
“See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.”
I seem to be running into a lot of people who feel STUCK lately. I’ve been there. Whether stuck in a relational rut, stuck in a behavior pattern (needing to kick a habit), or stuck in circumstances that are (or seem to be) out of my control, I certainly relate to what it feels like to be bone weary of living without a sense of progress that brings the kind of hope and encouragement I desire.
It seems to me that whenever I’m stuck, it’s for one of two reasons: either there is disobedience to God in my life (lack of trust in Him and/or stubborn unwillingness to yield to Him) or a simple need to watch and listen to Him until things become clear (keep reading the Bible, praying, and worshipping while I wait).
With a brand new year unfolding, I’m excited about being part of God’s bigger adventure of Life! I’m anticipating that He will be doing something amazing this year — in the world and in my own heart and family. Why am I so convinced? Because God never stops doing new and good things. In fact, He is the Creator of things that are good and new:
He puts a new “song” in our mouths – PSALM 40:3
He gives us a new name – ISAIAH 62:2
He gives us a new heart and puts a new spirit in us – EZEKIAL 36:26
He brings new mercies every day – LAMENTATIONS 3:23
He makes us a totally new creation – 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17
He gives us a new birth in Christ – 1 PETER 1:3
He will bring a new heaven and a new earth – REVELATIONS 21:1
So when I read noticing the source of power behind Isaiah chapter 43 that demonstrates God’s intention to bless our obedience and stay right next to us through any turmoil, I am encouraged and challenged.
Are you looking for something new, refreshing, empowering, reassuring or affirming to happen in 2010?
IT IS OUT THERE FOR US! It is coming when we take a courageous step of obedient faith. It is also coming when all we know for certain is that we must remain surrendered at the knee of our Heavenly Father waiting.