The Little Red Chair
by Karen Johnson
A little red chair, so tiny and sweet,
with paint a bit chipped and wear from small feet.
All week in the dark and lined up on the wall,
but oh! Sunday mornings, that changes it all!
All proud in a circle, we sit in a state,
for very small people to be quiet and to wait,
for stories and singing, and maybe a treat,
for words about Jesus, and God’s love so sweet.
A little red chair, a Sunday in church,
a small little girl using it for a perch.
A love for our Lord, a kindness of heart,
like most great achievements, had a small start.
A little red chair, now beat up and worn,
abandoned, forgotten—but what of it born?
A wee little child to hear and in turn,
a life full of teaching so others might learn.
A little red chair, so cheerful and dear,
with our thankful hearts we look at it here.
A symbol for us, they make such a pair,
our wonderful Jan and her little red chair!
Who might you thank today or this week?
How could you do that in a way that is personally meaningful?
LORD GOD, thank you for putting people in my life who have pointed me toward You and helped me grasp my opportunity for relationship with you. Thank you for using the stories I hear about how others are encountering You. Those stories re-assure me of your presence. They encourage me when I need to know someone else has walked in my shoes and found You to be faithful. They spur me on when it’s hard to persevere. They remind me that I have great value in your Kingdom. Help me to hear what You have to say to me through friends, mentors, my spouse, my children and my parents. Please help me to have a teachable spirit as well as a heart to serve and share how I see You at work in and around me. I offer myself to you today (or recommit) to be used for Your unimaginable purposes. Please bless the people I am thinking of now and minister to their needs as only You can. I ask these things and give You my thanks in Jesus’ name. AMEN