Service Without Fanfare

Service Without Fanfare

Joseph, to whom Mary was engaged, was a righteous man…he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife…and Joseph named the baby Jesus.”Matthew 1:19, 24-25 Imagine the mixed feelings and confusion Joseph must have felt about the news of his fiancé’s...
What’s With All the Dandelions?

What’s With All the Dandelions?

Dead dandelions have intrigued me for as long as I can remember. But a new layer of inspiration emerged from them for me a few years ago. What is it about a nuisance, worn-out weed that is so fascinating, you may wonder? For some odd reason, there has always been...
Your Story Matters

Your Story Matters

Each of us needs to know that we matter to God. It is a gift to receive reassurances, now and then, about our value. And it is inspiring to hear from others about how God makes a big Kingdom deal out of our seemingly insignificant personal lives. As we turn pages to a...
Thriving Caregivers Prioritize Soul Care

Thriving Caregivers Prioritize Soul Care

Sometimes I have an opportunity to escape being a mom, wife, and the primary caregiver to our adult daughter with Angelman Syndrome. It may just be for a couple of hours but one rather simple and satisfying way I can do this is to take a long bath and read a book or...
Ruts to Recovery

Ruts to Recovery

A lot of family caregivers are starting this near year depleted. As a special needs mother myself, I understand how wearying it is to provide 24/7 care for a medically complex and intellectually-developmentally delayed adult daughter. I’m also a pastoral counsellor...
Miraculous Preservation

Miraculous Preservation

A common concern among caregivers, especially parents of children who have disabilities, is what will happen to our children if they outlive us. And as middle age comes, depending on the degree of toll in caregiving and other life circumstances, we caregivers tend to...