Crumbled Cookies Brought Heaven’s Truth

Crumbled Cookies Brought Heaven’s Truth

I have long wrestled with why God gave me children with disabilities — as in plural. I’m the mother of 5 sons, three with special needs. Our special needs story began in 1999 when our third son was born with CHARGE Syndrome. I gave birth to our second child with...
New Book Opens Doors for Fun and Advocacy

New Book Opens Doors for Fun and Advocacy

Over the course of twenty-plus years working in the field of Disability Ministry, I have heard countless stories from parents and caregivers who struggle to navigate a less than accessible world. Trips as a full family into public must be meticulously planned and...
When Caregiving Sparks Stress Instead of Joy, What Can You Do?

When Caregiving Sparks Stress Instead of Joy, What Can You Do?

When caregiving sparks stress instead of joy, what can you do about it? That’s a question I began mulling over since I posted a survey on my website about stress and compassion fatigue in caregivers way back in 2019. Within 2 days, the survey had been completed...
Truth About Adoption

Truth About Adoption

Thank you to Leah Lundgren Spring for sharing today’s contribution. May God use it to grow our understanding, compassion, respect, and vision! As the world churns with troubling questions, let us consider the range of options, collaborate to make more solutions...
Life Is in the Details When Special Needs Parenting

Life Is in the Details When Special Needs Parenting

There are just so many details to navigate. Visions of summer vacations are starting to creep into my head. It may only be April, but I am anxious for some breaks and really looking forward to connection opportunities with family. Planning and preparing for vacations...