The most agonizing moments of my experience as a mother have been those times when my youngest daughter, Carly, has been in pain — a pain she can’t explain to me and a kind of pain that I may never be able to make go away. For all the things Larry and I have tried to...

Are We DONE Yet?

It’s a typical family meal. Larry and I find our plates half full when our teenagers are already excusing themselves and taking their dishes to the dishwasher. He and I look at each other with unspoken wonder while rhetorically thinking, “Are we done...

UNEMPLOYED? …or now fully in ministry?

Last Wednesday around noon, as I was making final preparations to speak at a Women’s Retreat this weekend, Larry came home. In the first seconds after he rounded the corner of our basement office, I hoped he was just home for lunch but, since he’s been in...

Forget About “God’s Will” for Your Life!?!

Yup, you read it right. This is a discussion challenge based on a book that is aimed at helping us reverse the tragedy of neglecting God. It’s a sort of paradox but one well worth pondering if you are interested in having your perspectives and choices and...

Silent Summer?

“Be still, and know that I am God.” PSALM 46:10Today is the last day of school for my kids. Many others have already been finished for a few days or weeks. In any case, we’re all set for a busy and fun summer. Will there be sufficient or satisfying...

Somebody Hit “RESET!”

Today has been “one of those days” for me. I’m sure you know what I mean: got a bit of a cold, feeling run down, bombarded with reminders of my insufficiency, and overwhelmed with decisions to be made. By the time I started preparing dinner this afternoon, my emotions...