We are so thankful for how God is using Finding Glory resources to stretch and strengthen people in their relationship with Jesus while cultivating their experience of Christ-centered community with others. Your comments in these online discussions and within...

Active (not passive) Waiting

I am a grateful follower of The Gospel Coalition Blog. It feeds me with truth and food for important thought while keeping my heart looking more broadly at the issues facing Christians today than I am sometimes inclined to look if left to my own narrow vision. A few...


Today’s scripture shows that Jesus had his attention and affection fixed on something and SOMEONE outside of himself. He was able to endure the cross and opposition from sinners because of the “joy set before him.” He endured for the sake of His Father’s honor and for...

Packing Up for Someplace New (Part 1 of 2)

The Jamieson household seems to be moving in the direction of new things these days. We have just launched our oldest daughter into college; within days, we expect to receive official tax exempt status for our non-profit ministry; we’re also praying a lot about how to...

It’s “Marriage Prayer Friday!”

We appreciate all who are joining us in this weekly commitment to prayer for marriage — the critical and sacred union designed by God to bring His children great blessing while causing great glory to Himself. Sadly, there are many who are struggling in marriage and...


It’s been a great blessing for us to hear about new Finding Glory Groups using the Finding Glory in the Thorns: Group Discussion Guide in Bible studies this summer and to see God increasingly at work through communities around the world! Thank you for your...