We’ve Got the Tools, Let’s Hold the Faith!

We’ve Got the Tools, Let’s Hold the Faith!

Today’s post is authored by Walk Right In Ministries’ co-founder Larry Jamieson (December 2010). I changed the thermostat in my 2001 Impala last week. Now, for everyone other than mechanics and DIY aficionados, that may sound impressive. Maybe. Maybe not. A couple of...
New Book Opens Doors for Fun and Advocacy

New Book Opens Doors for Fun and Advocacy

Over the course of twenty-plus years working in the field of Disability Ministry, I have heard countless stories from parents and caregivers who struggle to navigate a less than accessible world. Trips as a full family into public must be meticulously planned and...
When Caregiving Sparks Stress Instead of Joy, What Can You Do?

When Caregiving Sparks Stress Instead of Joy, What Can You Do?

When caregiving sparks stress instead of joy, what can you do about it? That’s a question I began mulling over since I posted a survey on my website about stress and compassion fatigue in caregivers way back in 2019. Within 2 days, the survey had been completed...
Finding Open Doors and Hearts

Finding Open Doors and Hearts

My beloved shoe repair shop is gone. Carly and I headed over there the other day because I was hoping to get a favorite leather purse fixed. I knew our local cobbler would be perfect for the job. He would have all the necessary tools, along with a willing and flexible...
Your Purpose Includes the Church

Your Purpose Includes the Church

Christ-pointing resources for families impacted by disability have never been more abundant than they are right now. It used to be that parents raising children with disabilities were reliant solely on medical professionals and school systems to guide them in...
An Introduction to Special Needs Financial Planning

An Introduction to Special Needs Financial Planning

We’ve been sharing a lot lately about cultivating robust supports around your family impacted by disability. Since financial planning is one part of that process — and an intimidating part for many people, indeed — we wanted to take a side step in this post to...