It’s Marriage Prayer Friday!

I watched the movie Fireproof again this week.  Larry I cuddled up with popcorn and I asked him to grab me some tissues (at least once).  Watching that film moves us to pray more fervently than ever for marriages that are struggling.  We know far too...

It’s Marriage Prayer Friday!

Today’s prayers for marriage are inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:1-12.A prayer for your own marriage—LORD OF ETERNITY, thank you for creating seasons in life and love. As it relates to my marriage, God, please help me to see the beauty in each season and to be...

Active (not passive) Waiting

I am a grateful follower of The Gospel Coalition Blog. It feeds me with truth and food for important thought while keeping my heart looking more broadly at the issues facing Christians today than I am sometimes inclined to look if left to my own narrow vision. A few...

It’s Marriage Prayer Friday!

Today we’re going to take up an offering of marriage and trust that every stretch is worth the effort.A prayer for your own marriage—GRACIOUS LORD, you keep giving us good gifts in our marriage even when they are undeserved or we are unaware that they are there....

It’s Marriage Prayer Friday!

Today we are praying for married men and women to hear God’s Word and put it into practice like wise people building their houses on a sure foundation — the Rock of their salvation.A prayer for your own marriage—CREATOR GOD, thank you for establishing my...

It’s Marriage Prayer Friday!

We all say things we wish we could take back sometimes. But words are a powerful thing — for better and for worse. Let’s go to the Lord humbly in this area today.A prayer for your own marriage—ALMIGHTY GOD, I am encouraged, challenged, and inspired to live in...